Watch "Still I Rise" the film
Still I Rise centers the stories of freedom fighters, Holly Joshi and Leah Albright-Byrd.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Each year in the U.S. alone, as many as 2 million youth experience a period of homelessness, and every year more than 5,000 of these young people lose their lives to the streets. Their hope and promise are lost forever unless they find someone — like the staff and volunteers of Covenant House New Jersey — to love and care for them.
Our job is to protect the young people who come through our door, be a reflection of love to them and help them to change their lives.
Homeless kids have rights. They have the right to a home ... the right to food ... the right to guidance and an education … the right to be free from sexual, emotional, or physical abuse ... and the right to be free from exploitation. These kids have the right to be safe and – most importantly – to be loved.
“We who recognize God's providence and fidelity to His people are dedicated to living out His covenant among ourselves and those children we serve, with absolute respect and unconditional love. That commitment calls us to serve suffering children of the street, and to protect and safeguard all children. Just as Christ in His humanity is the visible sign of God's presence among His people, so our efforts together in the covenant community are a visible sign that effects the presence of God, working through the Holy Spirit among ourselves and our kids.”