Assisting Trafficked Migrants in Taiwan

January 11, 2016 Cazzie Reyes Photos 
Forced Labor

©End Slavery Now

Reverend Peter van Hung established the Vietnam Migrant Workers and Brides Office in 2004 after discovering a case of 100 Vietnamese women raped and trafficked by brokers. As one of the leaders in anti-trafficking and labor rights in Taiwan, Reverend  Peter’s advocacy campaigns have transformed Taiwan’s laws, policies and procedures related to human trafficking. Through the years, as a result the work by his organization and other partners, he’s seen a decrease in forced marriage and a better relationship between the government and NGOs fighting forced labor.

©End Slavery Now

The Vietnam Migrant Workers and Brides Office works with migrants of all nationalities. Staff members collaborate with law enforcement to facilitate investigations and recovery. The office has a 60-bed aftercare shelter, a partnership with legal aid offices to file cases and programs that enable survivors to heal and pursue better lives.

©End Slavery Now

Monday through Friday, there’s a morning class from 10:00 to 11:30 and an afternoon class from 3:00 to 4:30. Residents learn about labor laws and their rights as well as Chinese customs and traditions.

©End Slavery Now

 “There are psychology classes too to help them understand how to deal with conflict and how to build confidence. We also have Chinese language classes. The staff helps with labor disputes and assists with legal aid application. So that if they want to, our clients can stay and work in Taiwan. However, that requires that they learn about Chinese society and be able to assimilate.”

©End Slavery Now

Dao was trafficked to work in an electronics factory. Now, she is finishing her degree in business management.

©End Slavery Now

Freedom isn’t just about being physically free. Reverend Peter emphasized, “Freedom means that ‘I’ll live as a person protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.’ It means freedom from fear.”

Topics: Forced Labor

About the Author

Cazzie Reyes

Cazzie Reyes graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor's degree in International Studies and a minor in Women's Studies. 

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Watch and Share Noy Thrupkaew's TED Talk

Noy Thrupkaew is a global journalist that reports on human trafficking. Watch her TED talk that shares another perspective on the underlying issues that enable human trafficking.