Volunteer at an Aftercare Shelter
Give back this holiday season by spending time volunteering at an after care shelter.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
MOMA's house is based on the philosophy of My Own Movement toward Achievement (MOMA). We work with women who are committed to transforming their lives while in recovery from domestic violence and human sex trafficking. We are a 501(c)3 Organization and have provided services to 45 women since opening our doors in 2009.
Our program is called AMOM for Aspirations, Mentoring, Outreach and Motivation. Each individual has her own room and a safe, supportive environment in which she can complete our Life and Career Skills and Support programs.
We aim to achieve status as a foremost authority in the treatment of survivors of domestic violence and sex trafficking. MOMA’s house promotes the growth of its programs while actively reducing the demand for our services through remedial education.
We are leading the charge to eliminate the conditions which foster the demoralization of human beings through intimidation and violence by becoming advocates for strong laws; local, national and international.
To transform female survivors of abuse into self-sufficient, independent women in a Safe House environment that promotes healing and wholeness.