We envision an empowered low-wage workforce, made up of workers who understand their rights and are able to defend their rights in the workplace.
We envision an end to employment discrimination and an end to sexual harassment of women, regardless of immigration status.
We envision comprehensive immigration reform.
As to our organization:
We envision a nationally-recognized, award-winning, and well-respected organization with both longstanding and new staff who are all equally dedicated to our mission.
We envision an organization with stable and increased funding support operating several outreach offices/clinics throughout Pennsylvania.
We envision a staff supported by pro bono attorneys.
We envision that our advocacy and impact litigation has an impact in improving the lives of workers in Pennsylvania.
As to the people we serve:
Protection and vindication of the human rights and dignity of exploited workers, ensuring that they are able to earn a living;
Access to justice and the right to be heard for vulnerable low wage workers;
Recognition of and respect for the work provided by low wage workers.
As to our organization:
Respect for our client community;
Integrity, creativity and ethical lawyering; and
Provision of excellent legal services and multi-tiered advocacy
Now institutions are integrating similar tales more often. One of the most interesting and important developments in the public presentation of slavery in the North has been the uptick in historic houses and museums reinterpreting their stories.