Dar Al Amal (DAA) supports, without any descrimination, children at risk, compromised by their family conditions, which means that they mostly belong to poor and dislocated families. Therefore DAA supports the members of their families and their communities as well.
DAA supports young girls and women in situation of violence, mistreatment, exploitation, prostitution, marginalization, and/or in conflict with the law. DAA works with them to strengthen their selfesteem, create their identity, accquire skills, and least to empower and integrate them into society. All in all DAA helps them to improve their life conditions.
Contact Information:
Beirut - Sin El Fil – Horsh Tabet - Samir Ghazal Bldg - GF. P.O. Box: 55329
America has a new generation of 21st century abolitionists, women and men committed to ending human trafficking here in our country and everywhere. This gallery of portraits celebrates New Abolitionists and their determination to end slavery once and for all in our lifetimes.
While talking about the inner workings of a trafficking case, she brought up that it is incredibly difficult to get a trafficking conviction; so, most prosecutors will avoid it. This challenge has major implications for the victims.