Share These Recommendations by Human Trafficking Survivors to Help Abolish Slavery
Here are five recommendations by human trafficking survivors to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Founded in 1974, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all.
AALDEF's Anti-Trafficking Initiative, launched in October 2005, provides free legal representation to trafficked and exploited women and youth workers. In addition to the protections that exist for all workers in the U.S., federal and state laws protect and support survivors of trafficking. According to the federal government, hundreds of thousands of victims are trafficked across international borders each year, and tens of thousands are currently trafficked into the U.S. As many as one-third of these individuals -- the largest group -- are from Asia and the Pacific Islands.