Are you a teacher? A student? Then tell your school about CNN's #MyFreedomDay.

On March 14, the CNN Freedom Project is inviting schools around the world to participate in #MyFreedomDay, a student-driven event to raise awareness about human trafficking. If you are not in school, encourage schools in your community to participate!

According to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, there are more than 40 million people trapped in slavery today. The index also reports that high GDP countries have more enslaved people in them than one would expect. In addition to this, the UN estimates that human traffickers earn more than $150 billion every year from enslaving people.

#MyFreedomDay seeks to bring awareness to this by asking students to participate in and organize a variety of different activities. For example, you can organize a screening of films about human trafficking and the fight against it such as Water or Anna and Modern Day Slavery. You could also organize a panel discussion including local lawmakers and representatives from local anti-trafficking organizations. Be sure and include the tag #MyFreedomDay!

Click the button above for more info.

Forms of Abolition:

Forms of Slavery:
Domestic Servitude, Sex Trafficking, Forced Labor, Bonded Labor, Child Labor, Forced Marriage