In 2012, a coalition of US-based national HIV/AIDS organizations named July National HIV Awareness Month.

Therefore, July is an appropriate time to learn about how victims and survivors of modern-day enslavement and human trafficking are at increased risk of becoming infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

In honor of World AIDS Day 2018, End Slavery Now published a blog post for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center about this issue. This post discusses how the various forms of modern-day enslavement - such as sex trafficking and domestic servitude - place individuals in highly vulnerable situations where they are at increased risk of HIV infection. It also explores how victims and survivors of modern-day enslavement are less able to access information about HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. It provides helpful links to both qualitative and quantitative studies about the link between human trafficking and HIV/AIDS susceptibility. 

Click the button above to read the article. Remember: you really cannot get HIV/AIDS from a hug!

Forms of Abolition:
Awareness, Empowerment

Forms of Slavery:
Sex Trafficking, Domestic Servitude, Forced Marriage