
  • History: 

In 2009 in Cebu, Philippines, the country is developing at a frantic rate. But huge swathes of the population remain stuck in a never-ending vortex of poverty and violence. Hundreds of thousands of desperate people migrate each year with the hope of finding good jobs. One third of women are violently abused in their closest relationships. Human trafficking, sexual exploitation,and forced labor are on the upswing. 

We hear from trafficked victims who have been rescued that they need work and they need it now. They say that without good jobs, they are just as poor and just as vulnerable as they were before they were exploited. Without safe, well-paid work, they are no better off than before they were trafficked. We learn that a good job changes everything for victims of violence and exploitation. 

 10ThousandWindows was born to restore victims and end the vicious cycle of suffering of the world’s most vulnerable through skills training, education, and access to safe, well-paid work.


  • Mission Stop the exploitation and abuse of vulnerable people.
  • Vision - A world in which those stuck in the vortex of poverty and violence can escape and live safe, free, and hopeful lives
  • Contact Information:
  • 2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 101
  • Knoxville, Tennessee 37922
  • United States
  • Active In: Philippines
  • Forms of Abolition:
  • Forms of Slavery: